Lecture & Film „Black Atlantic Cinema“

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  2. Lecture & Film „Black Atlantic Cinema“


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THEY CALL IT LOVE (BRD 1972. R: King Ampaw) und OLINGO (DDR 1966. R: Emile Itolo)

Kino des DFF Schaumainkai 41, Frankfurt

Lecture & Film „Black Atlantic Cinema“ Lecture: Karina Griffith (Berlin) Karina Griffith is a curator and film and media scholar. She is currently a Guest Professor for Intersectional Visual and Media Theory at Universität der Künste Berlin. Weitere Informationen und Programm: Hier…

FOGO – ILE DE FEU (FR/CV 1979. R: Sarah Maldoror) EN LA OTRO ISLA (CU 1968. R: Sara Gomez)

Kino des DFF Schaumainkai 41, Frankfurt

Lecture & Film „Black Atlantic Cinema“ Lecture: Karina Griffith (Berlin) Lecture: Two islands and the hope for another future. The gaze of two poetic women filmmakers Anouchka de Andrade is a curator and archivist dedicated to the preservation and presentation of the works of Sarah Maldoror. Weitere Informationen und Programm: Hier…

THE PIROGUE (2013. R: Moussa Toure)

Kino des DFF Schaumainkai 41, Frankfurt

Lecture & Film „Black Atlantic Cinema“ Lecture: Ayo Coly (Dartmouth) Lecture: African Boats and Scenes of Mourning in the Postcolonial Black Atlantic In this presentation, I query the trope of the African migrant boat in recent African cinemas. The trope has emerged in response to the phenomenon of the so-called “death-boats” that attempt to smuggle African

ATLANTIQUE (FR/SN/BE 2019. R: Mati Diop)

Kino des DFF Schaumainkai 41, Frankfurt

Lecture & Film „Black Atlantic Cinema“ Lecture: Femi Shaka Lecture: The Black Altantic and the Politics of Self-Representation in the Cinema: A Critical Analysis of Mati Diop’s Atlantics (2019) Paul Gilroy’s seminal work, The Black Atlantic (1993), is cardinal to an understanding of the “ideas of the nation, nationality, national belonging, and nationalism” as experienced by blacks in

Filme von Nicolás Guillé Landrián

Kino des DFF Schaumainkai 41, Frankfurt

Lecture & Film „Black Atlantic Cinema“ Lecture: Jessica Gordon-Burroughs (Edinburgh) Lecture: Diasporic Aesthetics, Intermedial Dialogues. The films of Nicolás Guillé Landrián Afro-Cuban filmmaker and artist Nicolás Guillén Landrián’s final cinematic work in exile, Inside Downtown, co-directed with Jorge Egusquiza, has barely been discussed in the growing critical literature on his oeuvre. This omission points to the persistent

MY MOTHER’S PLACE (1990. R: Richard Fung) und WAN PIPEL (1976. R: Pim de la Parra)

Kino des DFF Schaumainkai 41, Frankfurt

Lecture & Film „Black Atlantic Cinema“ Lecture: Usha Iyer (Stanford) Lecture: The Intimacies of Four Continents in Caribbean Cinema This program of two films from the Caribbean – a fiction feature and a documentary will extend the frame of the Black Atlantic by considering connected migrations across the Atlantic and Indian oceans, and histories of African