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Comparative Perspectives On Popular Music Production and Regulation Online
14. Juli 2022/13:00 - 15. Juli 2022/12:45
Ute Röschenthaler (JGU Mainz)
Alexander Peukert (GU Frankfurt)
Gregory D. Booth, Professor of Ethnomusicology, The University of Auckland
Zhen Troy Chen, Senior Lecturer in Digital Advertising, University of the Arts, London
Malebakeng Agnes Forere, Associate Professor of Law, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Ulrike Luttenberger, PhD student, University of Leipzig
Leonardo de Marchi, Professor of Communication, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Jimmyn Parc, Associate Professor of East Asian Studies, University of Malaya
John Schaefer, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Miami
Workshop Topic:
Despite multiple international agreements and conventions to harmonise intellectual property law, including mutual obligations to cooperate and protect cultural production, each country implements the laws related to its various immaterial cultural goods independently. International conventions provide guidelines, demanding minimal consensus. It is hardly surprising that there is a variety of designs, implementations, and interpretations of intellectual property law. At the example of popular music, this workshop discusses the variety of national interpretations for protecting immaterial productions that have emerged with the proliferation of the internet during roughly the past 25 years. It seeks to investigate in comparative perspective how the internet has transformed music production and consumption, the meanings of these developments for musicians and audiences and their opinions about the current situation of accessing and sharing music, as well as for other stakeholders involved in pushing legal amendments forward.
Program (pdf): Click here…