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Automating the Preconditions of Judgment?
30. Mai 2022/18:00 - 19:30

Virtuelle Ringvorlesung Sommersemester 2022
Vortrag von Prof. Kiel Brennan-Marquez (UConn School of Law, Associate Professor of Law)
Kiel Brennan-Marquez is an Associate Professor at the University of Connecticut School of Law, where he teaches courses in constitutional law, policing, evidence, and law and technology. He also directs UConn Law’s Center on Community Safety, Policing, and Inequality. Prof. Brennan-Marquez’s research explores how the legal system organizes and processes information, from surveillance and data collection to the use of evidence at trial. He is interested in the nature of human judgment, as we confront the possibility—in the legal system and elsewhere—of powerful machines capable of outperforming human experts.
Before joining UConn, Prof. Brennan-Marquez taught at New York University Law School and the Georgetown University Law Center, and he clerked in the Southern District of New York. He holds a BA from Pomona College and a JD from Yale Law School.
Convenors: Christoph Burchard (Goethe University, PI ConTrust and “Normative Orders”) und Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann (Goethe University, PI ConTrust)
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