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LA PERMISSION (FR 1967. R: Melvin van Peebles)

13. Februar 2025/20:00 - 23:00

Lecture & Film „Black Atlantic Cinema“

Lecture: Greg de Cuir Jr

Lecture: A Black American in Paris
Melvin van Peebles left the United States to live and work in Europe in 1959, and was invited to Paris for screenings on the strength of the short films he had made a few years earlier. After finding success as a journalist and novelist he would go on to direct his debut feature film La Permission in 1967 — in French — making him a pioneer of not only independent but also international Black cinema. This talk will explore van Peebles’ film work as something of a missing link in the history of French cinema, also a fascinating outlier in the history of Black cinema, and for its subversive depiction of the modern forms of “double consciousness” that Black men must negotiate both at home and abroad.
Greg de Cuir Jr is co-founder + artistic director of Kinopravda Institute in Belgrade. In 2024 he organised programs for the Whitney Biennial in New York and was visiting lecturer at Universität Basel.

Weitere Informationen und Programm: Hier…


13. Februar 2025
20:00 - 23:00


Institut für Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft der Goethe Universität und Kino im deutschen Filmmuseum in Kooperation mit dem Forschungszentrum „Normative Ordnungen“, dem Forschungscluster „ConTrust – Vertrauen im Konflikt“ und der hessischen Film- und Medienakademie; realisiert mit Mitteln des Adickes-Fonds der Goethe Universität


Kino des DFF
Schaumainkai 41
Frankfurt, 60596
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