The working group investigates how media in pluralistic societies create trust and mediate conflict and reflect these processes at the same time. Taking into account the increasing pervasiveness of digital media, the working group studies the operational and aesthetic aspects of mass media (press, TV), film and literature, telecommunications, and social media, as well as functional media in law, economics, governance and politics and their formal and informal uses. The methodological approach of the group goes beyond content-, text-, and technology-centered analyses and takes aesthetic, legal and economic factors into account.
Prof. Dr. Vinzenz Hediger

Principal Investigator
Phone: +49 (0) 69 798 32077
Postal address
Goethe-University Frankfurt
Room 6.353
Norbert-Wolheim-Platz 1
60323 Frankfurt
Publications on the research topic
From Miasma Theory to Digital Ghost Town: Tales of Infrastructure and Social Politics in the 21st Century Megalopolis. In: Saswat Das, Ananja Roy Pratihar (Hg.): Technology, Urban Space, and the Networked Community. London: Palgrave Macmillan 2022, 217-242.
Sichtbares Unrecht. Zur normativen Kraft des Dokumentarischen. In Rainer Forst, Klaus Günther (Hg.): Theorie normativer Ordnungen. Berlin: Suhrkamp 2021, 478-501.
How to Fight a Pandemic with Status Elevation. The Home Shopping Governance of Donald J. Trump. In: Philipp Dominik Keidl, Laliv Melamed, Vinzenz Hediger, Antonio Somaini (Hg.): Pandemic Media. Preliminary Notes Towards and Inventory. Lüneburg: meson press 2020, chapter 35
Can We Leave the Cave and Have It Too? On the Meaning of Cinema as Technology. In: Hidalgo, Santiago (Hg.): Technology and Film Scholarship. Experience, Study, Theory. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press 2018, 213-238.
Epistemology of the Checkpoint. Gillo Pontecorvo’s Battaglia di Algeri and the Doctrine of Counterinsurgency. In: Lee Grieveson, Haidee Wasson (Hg.): Cinema’s Military Industrial Complex. Berkeley: University of California Press 2018, 157-176.
PD. Dr. Florian Hoof

PD Dr. Florian Hoof is postdoc in the ConTrust Cluster Initiative at Normative Orders and associated lecturer in Media Studies, both at Goethe-University Frankfurt. His research interests include media history, organization studies, digital cultures, distribution and media industry studies, STS, and non-theatrical film. He studied media and cultural studies, sociology, political science, int. relations in Germany and Australia and received a scholarship of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes both as a student and as a PhD candidate. He was visiting professor at: Department of Film and Media Studies, Università Cattolica, Milano, Department of History of Technology, ETH Zurich, and held a temporary position as a W3-Professor for Media Systems and Organization at University Paderborn. Furthermore, he was scientist in residence at: University of Sydney Business School, University of California, Irvine, and University of New South Wales. Before joining ConTrust, he was a research associate at the DFG-Kollegforschungsgruppe Media Cultures of Computer Simulation, Leuphana University Lueneburg. His monography “Angels of Efficiency. A Media History of Consulting” was awarded the “Geisteswissenschaften International” translation grant from the Börsenverein des deutschen Buchhandels.
Phone: +49 (0)69 798-31511
Publikationen im Forschungszusammenhang
Hoof, Florian 2022: Das Problem der Generationen in der Computergeschichte. In: Wichum, R., Zetti, D. (eds.) Zur Geschichte des digitalen Zeitalters. Geschichte des digitalen Zeitalters. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, 31-51,
Hoof, Florian 2020: Angels of Efficiency. A Media History of Consulting. New York: Oxford University Press.
Hoof, Florian 2020: Media of Trust: Visualizing the Pandemic, in: L. Melamed, P. D. Keidl, V. Hediger, A. Somaini (eds.) Pandemic Media. Preliminary Notes Towards an Inventory, Lüneburg: Meson Press, 231-240.
Hoof, Florian, Sebastian K. Boell 2019: Culture, Technology, and Process in ‘Media Theories’: Toward a Shift in the Understanding of Media in Organizational Research, in: Organization, Vol. 26, Nr. 5, 636–654,
Hoof, Florian 2015: Live Sports, Piracy and Uncertainty: Understanding Illegal Streaming Aggregation Platforms, in: R. Lobato, J. Meese (eds.) Geoblocking and Global Video Culture, 86-93.
Dr. Viktoria Kraetzig

Postal address
Lehrstuhl Prof. Peukert
ExNO PF-012
Campus Westend
60629 Frankfurt am Main
Publications on the research topic
Kraetzig, Viktoria, Europäische Medienregulierung – Freiheit durch Aufsicht?, NJW 2023, 1485-1490.
Kraetzig, Viktoria/Jannis Lennartz, Grundrechtsschutz durch Algorithmus? Das Urheberrecht als Menetekel automatisierter Rechtsdurchsetzung, NJW 2022, 2524-2530.
Kraetzig, Viktoria, 2022, Das Urheberrecht als Zensurrecht, 2022, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
PD Dr. Pavan Kumar Malreddy

Principal Investigator
Phone: +49 (0) 69 798 32356
Postal address
Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
Faculty of Modern Philologies
Institute of English and American Studies
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Publications on the research topic
2022 ‘Im Konflikt verbunden: Der Staat, die Straße und das organisierte Misstrauen/Bound by Conflict: The State, the Street and Organized Distrust in India’s Communal Violence’. Special Issue ‘Vergemeinschaftung durch Misstrauen? (ed. Greta Wagner) WestEnd: Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 2 (22): 97-105.
2022 ‘Postsecular Longings? Religious Dissent, Faith, and Gurus in Indian Cinema’. Third Text 35 (5),
2021 ‘The Syntax of Everyday Injustice: A Conversation with Arundhati Roy’. Special issue ‘Crisis and Recovery’. Wasafiri 107, 41-49.
2020 (co-edited with Michael C. Frank) Narratives of the War on Terror: Global Perspectives. Oxon and New York: Routlegde.
2020 (with Anindya S. Purakayastha and Birte Heidemann) ‘Discoursing Populism: Types, Typologies and Contexts’. Special Issue of Kairos: A Journal of Critical Symposium 5 (2): 1-8S.
Dr. Laliv Melamed

Associate Member
Phone: +31-631984090
Postal address
Oude Boteringestraat 23, office no 0116
9712 GC, Groningen
Publications on the research topic
Melamed, Laliv 2023: Sovereign Intimacy: Private media and the Traces of Colonial Violence, Oakland: University of California Press.
Melamed, Laliv 2023: “A NonReport: The Operative image and the Politics of the Secret,” in Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, 62:4. (forthcoming).
Melamed, Laliv 2022: “What is a Girlfriend? Toward a Political Concept of the Girlfriend”, in: Discourse: Journal of Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture, 43:3, 421-446.
Melamed Laliv 2021: “Operative Imagineries”, in: NECSUS: European Journal of Media Studies, Fall 2021, #Futures, 59-65.
Melamed, Laliv 2021: “Seeking an Advice: A Political Economy of Israeli Home Videos”, in: Enrique Fibla and Masha Salazkina (eds.): A Global History of Amateur Film Cultures, Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 95-111.
Prof. Dr. Alexander Peukert

Principal Investigator
Phone: +49 69 798 31477
Postal address
Goethe-University Frankfurt
Chair Prof. Peukert
ExNO PF-012
Campus Westend
60629 Frankfurt am Main
Publications on the research topic
Kettemann, Matthias C., Alexander Peukert, Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann 2022: The Law of Global Digitality, Routledge: London.
Peukert, Alexander 2022: Das Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz: Entwicklung, Auswirkungen, Zukunft, Erscheint in: Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann/Ricardo Campos/Michael Westland (Hrsg.), Demokratie und Öffentlichkeit im 21. Jahrhundert – zur Macht des Digitalen, Arbeitspapier des Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Nr. 2/2022.
Peukert Alexander 2021: Five Reasons to be Skeptical About the DSA, in: Heiko Richter/Marlene Straub/Erik Tuchtfeld (eds), To Break Up or Regulate Big Tech? Avenues to Constrain Private Power in the DSA/DMA Package, 2021, pp. 22-28.
Peukert Alexander 2020: Faktenchecks auf Facebook aus lauterkeitsrechtlicher Sicht, WRP 2020, 391-398.
Peukert Alexander 2018: Gewährleistung der Meinungs- und Informationsfreiheit in sozialen Netzwerken. Vorschlag für eine Ergänzung des NetzDG um sog. Put-back-Verfahren, MMR 2018, 572-578.
Peukert Alexander 2018: Urheberrecht und verwandte Schutzrechte, Juristische Kurz-Lehrbücher, C.H. Beck München, 18. Aufl. 2018, 425 S. (gemeinsam mit M. Rehbinder).
Prof. Dr. Indra Spiecker genannt Döhmann, LL.M

Principal Investigator
Prof. Spiecker publishes in the entire field of public law with a special focus on information and technology law. Her research integrates insights from (behavioral) law and economics, the technical sciences, and legal theory. Her expertise is valued nationally and internationally; she is an expert witness for the legislature, for the administration including the federal government, NGOs and the business community on all questions of regulatory coping with digitization, but also in environmental law, cybersecurity, health law and technology regulation.
Phone: +49 (0) 69 798 34267
Postal address
Goethe-University Frankfurt
Prof. Dr. Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann, LL.M
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4 / RuW 05
60629 Frankfurt am Main
Publications on the research topic
Akzeptanz von Verwaltungsentscheidungen, in: W. Kahl/U. Mager (Hrsg.), Verwaltungs-aufgaben und Legitimation der Verwaltung, Baden-Baden 2022, S. 261-300.
Staatliche Entscheidungen unter Unsicherheit, ca. 500 S., i.E. Tübingen 2022.
Digitalisierung und Demokratie. Stellungnahme der Leopoldina: Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften, Acatech – Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften und Union der deutschen Akedemien der Wissenschaften, Halle (Saale) 2021, 74 S. (zus. mit R. Anderl, E. André, M. Bäcker, A. Breiter, J. Buchmann, T. Dienlin, Th. Faas, A. Hepp, R. Hertwig, L. Herzog, J. Hoffmann, F. Kreuter, J. Lamla, Th. Lengauer, M. Löw, B. Pfetsch, J. Simon und M. Zürn).
Profiling, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence und Social Media – Gefahren für eine Gesell-schaft ohne effektiven Datenschutz, in: W. Hötzendorfer/Chr. Tschohl/F. Kummer (Hrsg.), International Trends in Legal Informatics, Festschrift für Erich Schweighofer, Bern 2020, S. 345-372.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas Vesting

Associate Member
His work focuses on legal theory. Thomas Vesting worked on a media-theoretical foundation of legal theory (Legal Theory and the Media of Law, 2018). In recent years, he has expanded the media theory of law into a cultural theory of law (Subjectivity Transformed. The Cultural Foundation of Liberty in Modernity, 2023). He is currently writing a (small) cultural history of law. This examines the influence that the technical culture of industrial society had on the processes of the formation of legal normativity in Germany between 1870 and 1914.
Thomas Vesting was a Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence (2000-2001), Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin (2004-2005) and Research Fellow of the DFG (2008-2009). He has also received the Opus Magnum Fellowship of the Volkswagen Foundation (2017-2019). He has also been awarded an honorary doctorate from the Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público (IDP), Brasília (2017).
Phone: +49 (0)69 798 34273
Postal address
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4
FB 01/RuW
60629 Frankfurt
Publications in the research context
Vesting, Thomas 2021: Gentleman, Manager, Homo Digitalis. Der Wandel der Rechtssubjektivität in der Moderne. Weilerswist.
Vesting, Thomas 2018: Legal Theory and the Media of Law, Cheltenham/Northampton.
Vesting, Thomas/Campos, Ricardo 2022: Content Curation – Medienregulierung für das 21. Jahrhundert, KritV 1/2022, S. 3-22.
Vesting, Thomas 2022: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Structures of the Modern Public Sphere, in: Carlos Blanco de Morais/Gilmar Ferreira Mendes/Thomas Vesting (Hrsg.), The Rule of Law in Cyberspace, Cham, S. 149-164.
Vesting, Thomas: Direkt zu den Leuten. Die funktionale Interpretation der Rundfunkfreiheit und die neuartige Environmentalität intelligenter Computernetzwerke, in: Spiecker gen. Döhmann/Westland/Campos (Hrsg.), Demokratie und Öffentlichkeit im 21. Jahrhundert – zur Macht des Digitalen. Nomos, S. 205-228.
Prof. Dr. Johannes Völz

Principal Investigator
Phone: +49 (0) 69 79832364
Postal address
Regine v. Puttkamer
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
Room 4.212
60629 Frankfurt am Main
Publications on the research topic
Voelz, Johannes. The Poetics of Insecurity: American Fiction and the Uses of Threat. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
“Populism and the Politics of Distrust.” The People: Belonging, Exclusion, and Democracy. Hg. Benjamin Kohlmann und Matthew Taunton. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2022 (forthcoming)
Voelz, Johannes. “Toward an Aesthetics of Populism, Part I: The Populist Space of Appearance.” Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature (REAL) 34 (2018): 203–228.
Voelz, Johannes (with Tom Freischläger). “Toward an Aesthetics of Populism, Part II: The Aesthetics of Polarization.” Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature (REAL) 35 (2019). 261–286.
“Reading Populism with Bourdieu and Elias.” Reading the Social in American Studies. Hg. Astrid Franke, Stefanie Müller, Katja Sarkowsky. New York: Palgrave, 2022. 233-258.