Working Group 4: Knowledge

The working group investigates the role of knowledge and knowledge-based institutions (epistemic authorities) in the emergence of trust and mistrust in social conflicts. Knowledge about the preferences of others, as well as about the social and natural world, is an essential resource for managing conflict productively. Where knowledge is shared, trust emerges and stability is generated. However, this stabilization itself depends on epistemic trust, the exact form and role of which remains to be determined through the research of the group.

Prof. Dr. Christopher Daase

Stefan Boness/IPON

Principal Investigator

Profile, contact and publications
Christopher Daase is Professor of International Relations at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, and Deputy Director of the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) where he heads the research department on “International Security”. His research and teaching focuses on security policy (especially wars and civil wars, terrorism and radicalization, non-proliferation and arms control) as well as international institutions. Dr. Daase studied political science, literature, philosophy and art history in Hamburg, Freiburg and Berlin and conducted doctoral research as a SSRC-MacArthur Fellow in International Peace and Security at Harvard University and the RAND Corporation. In 1996 he received his doctorate from the FU Berlin with a thesis on unconventional warfare. He chairs the Research Advisory Board of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) in Berlin, is co-founder of the Arms Control Negotiation Academy (ACONA), and member of the Executive Board of the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium. Dr. Daase has published several books and numerous articles in international journals and was editor of the leading German international relations journal for more than ten years. Since 2022 he is member of the Advisory Board on Education and Outreach of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

Website Goethe-University Frankfurt
Website PRIF
Phone: +49 (0)69 95910462

Postal address
Goethe-University Frankfurt
Normative Orders
Raum 1.17 | Hauspostfach EXC 9
Max-Horkheimer-Str. 2
60323 Frankfurt

Publications in the research context
Daase, Christopher, and Nicole Deitelhoff. 2021. “Wenn die Geltung schwindet. Die Krise der liberalen Weltordnung und die Herrschaftsproblematik internationaler Politik.” In Normative Ordnungen, edited by Rainer Forst and Klaus Günther, 162-187. Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag.

Daase, Christopher, and Nicole Deitelhoff. 2021. “The Justification and Critique of Coercion as World Order Politics.” In The Justification of War and International Order. From Past to Present, edited by Lothar Brock and Hendrik Simon, 489-502. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Daase, Christopher/ Kroll, Stefan, Hrsg., 2019. Angriff auf die liberale Weltordnung. Die amerikanische Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik unter Donald Trump, Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Daase, Christopher 2019: Guilt, Apology and Reconciliation in International Relations, in: Christopher Daase/ et al. Hrsg., Apology and Reconciliation in International Relations. The Importance of Being Sorry, London/New York: Routledge (mit Stefan Engert und Judith Renner).

Miryam Frickel, M. A.

PhD student

Profile, contact and publications
Miryam Frickel (1992) is a doctoral student at ConTrust. Her research project examines the role of the Sicilian mafia in the context of social problem recognition and its political and social implications. She combines Gramsci’s theory of hegemony with  ethnographic methods to shed light on marginalized perspectives and subversive practices. A particular focus lies on the role of cultural knowledge production and independent discourse spaces for social change.


Publications on the research topic
Frickel, Miryam 2024: Ins ›Gefährliche Feld‹: die Mafia, das Feld und die Gefahr. In: Hilscher/ Rukonen-Engler (Hrsg): Feldverhältnisse. IfS aus der Reihe. Bertz + Fischer. 
Frickel, Miryam 2023: Ein hausgemachtes Feuer. In: ak. Analyse & Kritik.
Frickel, Miryam 2023: Einsame Verbrecher. In: ak Analyse & Kritik. 
Frickel, Miryam 2021: Is the Mafia a State Apparatus? Migration Management in the Mezzogiorno, in: New Research in Global Political Economy, Kassel URI: doi:10.17170/kobra-202112065159.

Nahla El-Menshawy, M. A.

PhD student

Profile, contact and publications
Nahla El-Menshawy works as a research associate at the Professorship of Political Science and is pursuing her doctorate in the “ConTrust” cluster initiative. She studied at Humboldt University, Kings College London and Heidelberg University. Her research interests include authoritarian governments, as well as legitimization processes and societal change, in the Middle East and North Africa. In her dissertation project, she deals with conceptions of trust beyond the west and sheds light on the interplay of particularised and political trust in armed conflict, specifically with regard to the role of tribes in Yemen.


Postal address
Goethe-University Frankfurt
Research Centre Normative Orders
Room 2.16
Max-Horkheimer-Str. 2
60323 Frankfurt

Publications in the research context
El-Menshawy, Nahla (2020): Kein Technischer Prozess. Traditionelle Versöhnungsrituale in der Reintegration von Kindersoldaten. In: Blog der Friedensakademie Rheinland-Pfalz. Online verfügbar unter:

Prof. Dr. Darrel Moellendorf

Associate member

Profile, contact and publications
Professor Darrel Moellendorf, 1961, is Professor of International Political Theory and Professor of Philosophy at Goethe University Frankfurt, he is also Distinguished Visiting Professor of Philosophy at the University of Johannesburg. His interests in Philsophy is Environmental, Moral, and Poltical Philosophy, and in Political Science his interests are in Environmental Politics, Political Economy, and Political Theory. He is the author of four scholary monographs “Mobilizing Hope: Climate Change and Global Poverty (Oxford University Press 2022), “The Moral Challenge of Dangerous Climate Change: Values, Poverty, and Policy” (Cambridge University Press 2014), “Global Inequality Matters” (Palgrave Macmillan 2009) and “Cosmopolitan Justice” (Westview 2002). He has been a member of the School of Social Sciences at the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton), a Senior Fellow at Justititia Amplificata, and he is currently a Goethe Fellow at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften in Bad Homburg.

Phone: 069 798 31521

Postal address
Goethe-University Frankfurt
Research Centre Normative Orders
Raum 3.11, Fach EXC 14
Max-Horkheimer-Straße 2
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Publications in the research context
“Mobilizing Hope: Climate Change and Global Poverty” (Oxford University Press, 2022).

“Two Conceptions of Proportionality for Jus ex Bello,” in Graham Parker and Mark
Wilson eds. “How to End a War” Cambridge University Press, 2022.

“Hoffnung und Gründe” in Rainer Forst and Klaus Gunther, eds. Normative Ordnungen, Suhrkamp Verlag, 2021, 648-671. English version available on line:

“Hope in Political Philosophy,” Philosophy Compass, April 2020.
Co-authors: Jakob Huber and Claudia Blöser.

“Hope for Material Progress in the Age of the Anthropocene” in Claudia Blöser and Titus Stahl, eds. The Moral Psychology of Hope,Rowman & Littlefield, 2020.

Dr. Stefan Kroll

Associate member

Profile, contact and publications
Dr. Stefan Kroll ist Leiter des Querschnittsbereichs Wissenschaftskommunikation und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Programmbereich “Internationale Institutionen” an der HSFK. Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte liegen im Bereich interdisziplinärer Normen- und Institutionenforschung, des Wissenstransfers und der politischen Bildung für Themen der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung.

Phone: 069 95910459

Postal address
Peace Research Institute Frankfurt
Baseler Straße 27-31
60329 Frankfurt am Main

Publications in the research context
Handbuch Krisenforschung, hrsg. mit Frank Bösch und Nicole Deitelhoff (Wiesbaden: Springer VS).

Kroll, Stefan (2021): The Judicial, the Secular and Beyond: Multi-normative Practices of Pakistani Constitutional Courts, in: Ballakrishnen, Swethaa S.; Dezalay, Sara (ed.), Invisible Institutionalisms. Collective Reflections on the Shadows of Legal Globalisation, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 173-178.

Sara, Dezalay / Kroll, Stefan (2020): The authority of international justice institutions. A sociological perspective of global normative orders, in: Kettemann, Matthias C. (ed.), Navigating Normative Orders. Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Frankfurt a.M.: Campus Verlag, 283–206.

Kroll, Stefan: „Unberechenbarkeit und Fairness. Die Regierung Trump und das Völkerrecht“ In Christopher Daase and Stefan Kroll, Stefan (ed.): Angriff auf die liberale Weltordnung: Die amerikanische Sicherheitspolitik unter Donald Trump (Wiesbaden: Springer VS): 151-170.

Kroll, Stefan: „Zooming in on norm research. Towards a suitable scale for the Shanghai Mixed Court” Global Constitutionalism 5 (3): 383-404.

Prof. Dr. Hanna Pfeifer

Principal Investigator

Profile, contact and publications
Prof Dr Hanna Pfeifer (1987) is an assistant professor of political science with a focus on radicalisation and violence research (funded by the Johanna Quandt Jubilee Fund) at the department of social sciences at Goethe University Frankfurt and the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) where she heads the research group on terrorism. Before coming to Frankfurt in 2020, she was a research associate at HSU Hamburg, OvGU Magdeburg, and the Munich School of Philosophy. In 2018, she was a DFG research fellow at the POLIS department of the University of Cambridge. She obtained her PhD at Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg in 2017 after holding scholarships by the German National Academic Foundation and the Max Weber Foundation / Orient Institute Beirut. Her research focuses on processes of order-making and political violence of, and the relationship between, states and armed non-state actors in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as democratic and non-democratic foreign and security policy.

Homepage: PRIF and Goethe-University
Phone: +49 69 798-36636

Postal address
Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
Room 3.G 001 (PEG) | HPF 28
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Prof. Dr. Martin Saar

Principal Investigator

Profile, contact and publications
Martin Saar ist seit Herbst 2017 Professor für Sozialphilosophie an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. Professurvertretungen und Gastaufenthalte haben ihn an die Universitäten in Bremen, Hamburg, an die New School for Social Research in New York und an die Humboldt-Universität geführt. Von 2014 er 2017 war er Professur für Politische Theorie an der Universität Leipzig. Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte beziehen sich auf die Politische Ideengeschichte der frühen Neuzeit (v.a. Spinoza), die Kritische Theorie und die neuere französische Philosophie, auf Fragen nach der Macht, der Geschichte, der Demokratie und dem Subjekt. An der Goethe-Universität war er PI des Exzellenzclusters „Die Herausbildung normativer Ordnungen“, er ist assoziiertes Mitglied des Cornelia Goethe Centrums für Frauenstudien und die Erforschung der Geschlechterverhältnisse und Mitglied des Forschungszentrums Historische Geisteswissenschaften, außerdem Mitglied des Kollegiums und des Institutsrats des Instituts für Sozialforschung.

Phone: +49 69 798 32632 (Secretary’s office: -32734)

Postal address
Goethe-University Frankfurt
Institut for Philosophy, Room 2.515
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
60629 Frankfurt am Main

Publications in the research context
Saar, Martin 2018: Gegen-Politik. Zur Negativität der Demokratie. In: Thomas Khurana, Dirk Quadflieg, Francesca Raimondi, Juliane Rebentisch, Dirk Setton (Hg.), Negativität. Kunst – Recht – Politik, Berlin: Suhrkamp, S. 281-292

Saar, Martin 2018: What is Social Philosophy? Or, Order, Practice, Subject. In: Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Jg. 118, H. 2, S. 207-223.

Saar, Martin 2019: Ohnmacht und Unfreiheit. Demokratische Politik nach der Postdemokratie. In: Ulf Bohmann/Paul Sörensen (Hg.), Zur Kritischen Theorie der Politik heute. Berlin: Suhrkamp, S. 473-493

Saar, Martin 2020: Immanent Normativity and the Fact of Domination: Notes on “Immanent Critique”. In: Julia Christ/Kristina Lepold/Daniel Loick/Titus Stahl (Hg.), Debating Critical Theory: Engagements with Axel Honneth. London: Roman & Littlefield International, S. 51-66.

Saar, Martin 2021: Immanente Normativität. In: Rainer Forst, Klaus Günther (Hg.), Normative Ordnungen. Berlin: Suhrkamp, S. 139-161.

Dr. Regina Schidel


Profile, contact and publications
Dr. Regina Schidel (*1988) is a PostDoc in the cluster project ConTrust Trust in Conflict at the Research Centre Normative Orders at Goethe University Frankfurt.
She studied philosophy, German and classical philology in Tübingen and Paris. Her doctoral thesis entitled „Relationalität der Menschenwürde. Zum gerechtigkeitstheoretischen Status von Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung“ under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Rainer Forst“ will be published with Campus (Theorie und Gesellschaft) this year. Her research interests lie in the field of political philosophy, social philosophy and the philosophy of law.
In her PostDoc project at ConTrust, she is working on the connection between trust and epistemic marginalization and exclusion in societies.

Phone: +49 (0) 69 798 31545

Postal address
Goethe-University Frankfurt
Institut for Political Science
Building Normative Orders
Max-Horkheimer-Straße 2, Raum 4.03
60629 Frankfurt am Main

Publications in the research context
Schidel, Regina i. E. 2022: Universal Enfranchisement for Citizens with Cognitive Disabilities – A Moral-Status Argument, in: Critical Review for International Social and Political Philosophy.

Schidel, Regina i. E.: Das Subjekt der Menschenrechte. Eine relationale Perspektive.

Schidel, Regina i. E.: Anerkennung und körperliche Interdependenz. Eine Aktualisierung von Axel Honneths Theorie mit Judith Butler, in: Hirschmann, Edgar (Hrsg.): Anerkennung und Körper. Der Leib in der sozialen Dynamik, Frankfurt / New York.

Schidel, Regina 2020: Pränataldiagnostik als Instanz von struktureller Diskriminierung. Überlegungen zur Debatte um den PraenaTest und seine Auswirkungen auf Menschen mit Behinderung, in: Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 7:1, S. 231-264.

Andreas Schindel M. A.

PhD student

Profile and contact and publications
M. A. Andreas Schindel (Jahrgang 1993) ist Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Doktorand in der Forschungsinitiative “ConTrust: Vertrauen im Konflikt”. Er forscht im Bereich der Politischen Theorie und Philosophie zu Radikalen Demokratietheorien, Populismus, den Begriffen Volk und Multitude sowie Affekten/Emotionen. Von 2012 bis 2016 absolvierte er den Bachelor Politikwissenschaft an der Universität Bremen und von 2016 bis 2020 den Master Politische Theorie an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.


Postal address
Goethe-University Frankfurt
Research Centre Normative Orders
Max-Horkheimer-Str. 2
60623 Frankfurt am Main

Dr. Cord Schmelzle

Associate member

Profile and contact and publications
I am a political theorist at Goethe University Frankfurt and a principal investigator at the Research Institute Social Cohesion (Forschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt). At the FGZ, I head a research project on Moral Arguments and the Charge of Moralism in Public Discourses and serve as the research coordinator for the Frankfurt branch of the institute. My work is on conceptual and normative questions of political legitimacy and authority, political institutions in general and states in particular, just war theory, and moralism in public discourses. My first book “Politische Legitimität und zerfallene Staatlichkeit” (Campus 2015) has won the Best First Book Award of the German Political Science Association (DVPW).

Phone: +49 69 798 31447

Postal address
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Gebäude „Normative Ordnungen“
Max-Horkheimer-Straße 2
60629 Frankfurt am Main

Publications in the research context
Deitelhoff, Nicole; Schmelzle, Cord (2023): Social Integration through Conflict: Mechanisms and Challenges in Pluralist Democracies. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, forthcoming.

Schmelzle, Cord (2021): Ist Polarisierung schlecht für die Demokratie? In: Blätter der Wohlfahrtspflege, Vol. 168, 2, S. 51-54.

Schmelzle, Cord (2021: )Menschheit als Argument: Politisches Handeln angesichts existentieller Risiken. In: Zeitschrift für politische Theorie, Vol. 11, 1.

Adams, N.P.; Scherz, Antoinette; Schmelzle, Cord (Hrsg.) (2021): Legitimacy Beyond the State: Normative and Conceptual Questions. New York and London: Routledge.
Schmelzle, Cord (2015): Politische Legitimität und zerfallene Staatlichkeit. Frankfurt am Main: Campus.

Franziska F. N. Schreiber

PhD student

Profile, contact and publications
Franziska F. N. Schreiber (1992) is a doctoral candidate at PRIF. Her research areas include international institutions and the Latin American region. Previously, she was administrative coordinator of the collaborative project “Regional Research Center – Transformations of Political Violence”, research assistant at the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and graduate assistant at PRIF.

Phone: +49 (0) 69 959 104 55

Postal address
Peace Research Institute Frankfurt
Baseler Straße 27-31
60329 Frankfurt am Main

Publications in the research context
Schreiber, Franziska (2021): Auf Kurs in unsicherem Fahrwasser: Der Verfassungsprozess in Chile, PRIF Blog, 21.10.2021.