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Film Surréaliste: The Indiscreet Charm of Disgust
1. Juni 2023/20:00 - 22:30

Lecture & Film „Kino am Abgrund der Moderne. Die Filme von Luis Buñuel“
Vortrag von Marie Rebecchi (Aix-en-Provence)
Present in Buñuel‘s films from L’ÂGE D’OR (1930) on, the relations between disgust, perversion and food begin to appear increasingly insistently in the 1960s, when the director shot VIRIDIANA(1961). In this film it was the iconographic structure of Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper that was perverted: Buñuel repeated the arrangement of the apostles, but replaced them with a brutal group of irate beggars and lepers. In the 1970s the themes of disgust, excess, perversion and pleasure taken to fatal extremes became increasingly frequent in European cinema. Like Bertolucci’s LAST TANGO IN PARIS (1972) and Marco Ferreri’s LA GRANDE BOUFFE (1973), Buñuel’s THE DISCREET CHARM OF THE BOURGEOISIE(1972) sublimates and replaces the occurrence of the event itself. The dinner planned by the characters is constantly postponed by a series of blunders, while also constantly evoked through the discussion of the various dishes and drinks that are to be consumed (like the unforgettable comments on how to make a dry Martini, or on drinking red wine with fish), in an absurd repetition compulsion that holds together a group of perverse and corrupt bourgeois.
Marie Rebecchi is associate professor in aesthetics and film history at the Université de Aix-Marseille and author of the book Paris 1929. Eisenstein, Bataille, Buñuel.
Vortrag in englischer Sprache
Filmvorfühung: LE CHARME DISCRET DE LA BOURGEOISIE, Frankreich/Italien 1972, 101 Min.
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Kuratiert von Daniel Fairfax und Vinzenz Hediger