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ConTrust: Peace Politics and Trust in Conflict

23. März 2022/0:00

Annual Conference 2022 Peace Research Institute Frankfurt

Trust is a central but often under­estimated resource in inter­national relations. It requires great efforts to build trust among indivi­duals and insti­tutions, but it is difficult to control and easily broken. Trust is an im­portant pre­requisite for resolving conflicts and at the same time conflict is a process in which trust can be formed. The war in Ukraine is an example of how trust can be destroyed in a short time, in inter­national relations and in the inter­national order.

The 2022 PRIF Annual Con­ference „ConTrust: Trust in Conflict – Peace Politics under Con­ditions of Un­certainty“ will debate and analyze the topic of trust and its relation with peace politics from a mul­titude of per­spectives. The con­ference will explore questions of what en­ables the building and soli­dification of trust between different actors and in institutions, and how trust and conflict relate to each other.

Based on the project „ConTrust“, a joint research initiative between PRIF and Goethe University, it will be argued that even in con­stellations of conflict, certain con­ditions can enable trust to be built. The con­cept will be examined not only with a focus on different regional perspectives, but also with a view towards the role of (inter­national) orga­nizations and the im­portant part trust plays in arms control settings.

Organization: Prof. Dr. Nicole Deitelhoff
Executive Director of the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt)

Programm (pdf): Here…


23. März 2022